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Rohallion Website

Screenshot of Rohallion homepage

This project was an internal project at Rohallion. The goal was to revamp the company website and to move from a static website (Hugo) to a Drupal 9 web server. As the 'shop window' of the business, we wanted to make it look more modern, flashy, and to showcase our unique offerings as a business. As one of the offerings of the business is Drupal websites, it only made sense we used Drupal for the website redesign!

About me

Christopher Wales is a software engineer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. He enjoys learning about and practicing multiple software development discplines such as application development, web development, DevOps, and Artificial Intelligence. He works as a Software Engineer at Rohallion where he develops custom web solutions and holds a first-class degree with honours in Computer Science from Edinburgh Napier University.